Faith - What is is and how to get it

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Devotional Time & Faith

Intentional Devotional Time with God – Part 1

Our prayer life and consistency reflect our position 

of reverence and dependency on God in our life. 

~ Georganna  W. Lewis.

What is Devotional Life?

A Devotional life reflects one’s willingness and eagerness to spend quality alone time with God. A Christian devotional life is a lifestyle of intentional prayer, study, and reflection on the Bible. The daily practice is geared toward deepening one’s relationship with God and growing in faith, hope, and love. It involves regular practices such as prayer, reading your Bible, worship, and more intentional spiritual disciplines such as fasting, silence, and solitude. 

 As Christians, we should live our lives to serve and please Christ. Born-again believers must be intentional and consistent about their time of fellowship (Romans 12:1). Beloved, God is the believer’s power source. In John 15:5, the Bible tells us that God is the vine and we are the branches; apart from him, we can do nothing. 

Horatius Bonar advises, “Be much alone with God, and take time to get thoroughly acquainted…He wants not merely to be on good terms with you, but to be intimate.”

 A believer’s devotional life involves being intentional about daily and intimate fellowship with God. Our time of fellowship will and should look different from believer to believer. Beloved, your alone time will look different from mine, and mine will look different from yours. Therefore, ignore traditional rituals or customs; don’t succumb to condemnation (Romans 8:1). Beloved, read the Bible to feed and not just to finish. When you finish reading your Bible and spending time with God, you should feel refreshed and recharged. God is a loving father, not a taskmaster or a disciplinarian. 

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. ~ Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)

Your private time with your Heavenly Father (Abba Father; God) is a time to sit quietly, pray, study the word, laugh, or cry. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you during the intimate and personal fellowship. Beloved, share your heart with God; if you are hurting, angry, bitter, or feeling hopeless or discouraged, share and journal those feelings in the presence of God. Beloved, I encourage you to be honest with your Abba, Fathers (1 Samuel 16:7). You may also find it helpful to purchase a 365-day devotional or get a bible app on your electronic device to guide you during personal time with God. 

Beloved, having a set agenda when entering your devotional time with God is okay, but be aware; every day may look different. However, it is customary to start your devotional time with adoration – praising God for who He is, allowing you to shift your focus off of you and your concerns, and putting them on God, who is the author and finisher of your faith. You can sing, dance, journal, or draw during your devotional time. Again, beloved, be flexible; your goal may be to read an entire chapter or more, but the Holy Spirit may lead you to read and meditate on one passage of scripture. Beloved, be alright with that- your devotional life is not a sprint is a lifetime journey. Therefore, selecting a bible version that is easy to read and understand will help keep you engaged.  

I found a physical bible helpful because it allows one to highlight passages, record dates, and write notes on the pages. I also enjoy having a bible application on my electronic device, which helps me compare different scripture versions. An essential aspect of any devotional time is to remain alert and flexible. Remember, devotional time should be a monologue, not a dialogue, like any conversation—eagerly anticipant hearing and receiving from God. The voice of God and God’s will is ”always” His Holy word – The Holy Bible. Although God may speak through other people and sources – He will never contradict His word. Don’t get discouraged; stay encouraged. As with any relationship, trust, and intimacy take time to build. 

Why should we, as Christians, be intentional about our Prayer life?

  • It is a Standard Set by God.

Jesus Christ lived a life of devotion by prioritizing His alone time with God during His earthly ministry. As we follow the story of Jesus, we see Him rising before dawn and withdrawing to the wilderness to be with God (Mark 1: 35-39, Matthew 4: 1). Those who live a life of devotion, like our Savior – will be able to overcome the storms and pressures of this world. Trusting someone who has proven faithful, trustworthy, and dependable is easy. As you build a relationship with God, you will look forward to getting in his presence and trusting him with your troubles. The Bible is the believer’s owner’s manual. Notice, I did not say you would not have problems or storms in this life because that is contrary to the living word of God. 

“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NLT)

As we read the Bible – we see how Jesus mirrored the practice of a daily life of devotion for his disciples. The prison could not stop Peter (Acts 12), death could not stop Stephen (Acts 7), royal decrees could not stop Daniel (Daniel 6), and the fiery furnace could not stop the three Hebrews (Daniel 3). Christ has laid a roadmap for the Christian life, and we must build our lives on this same foundation principle (1 John 2: 6, Hebrews 12: 2, Romans 8: 29).

  • It Helps us to Stay Focused Daily and Spiritually Equipped.

Beloved, among the creatures of the air, the eagle is known for strength and courage. However, one of the eagle’s amazing secrets is that it occasionally withdraws to the mountaintop to shed heavy feathers and grow new ones. Seclusion is sometimes needed and helpful. The eagle uses the time of isolation to shed unnecessary feathers; it makes the eagle lighter in the air, enabling it to ride the raging storms. Like the eagle, our daily devotional time should be where we draw strength to carry on.

“They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31)

Beloved, when we maintain a consistent prayer life, power, victorious testimonies, and praise become a part of our daily routine, not murmuring and complaining. The secret to keeping your bounce-back power when storms of life come and attempt to overtake you is achieved by having a relationship with God and staying in the presence of God, knowing that He will carry you through (Matthew 25). Joel Beeke stated, “Do not expect to grow in holiness if you spend little time alone with God and do not take His Word seriously.” 

Beloved, the more born-again believers skip daily fellowship and alone time with God, the easier it is for the adversary, the raging lion, to devour them as they drift into complacency, compromise, hopelessness, loneliness, and despair.

You will show me the path of Life;  In Your presence is fullness of joy;

 In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 

  • It Establishes and Reaffirms our Faith

Beloved, have you ever studied our faith’s great men and women and wondered how they attain such spiritual heights? Indeed, they didn’t achieve their spiritual fortitude by chance or coincidence. Their life of power is a product of a consistent and intentional walk with God. Henry Ford declared, “Those who walk with God always reach their destination.” 

Similarly, Dr. Dharius Daniels states, “If you want to do what Jesus did in public, you must do what Jesus did in private (paraphrased).”

Beloved, being intentional means being consistent and deliberate about your time with God. As you study the Word of God; commit yourself to God in prayer, you will become well-established and unmovable in the faith (John 8:12). Beloved, every resource we need daily to live a holy and victorious life can download from heaven before going out in the world – the world is a battlefield. 

Prepare and adequately arm yourself by implementing a daily devotional routine today. Beloved, everyone’s devotional time will look different depending on your scheduled responsibilities: you may rise early or go to bed late. You may have your dedicated alone time on the treadmill during your morning or evening walk; the time and schedule are between you and God. 

Every believer’s devotional life will look different; we all won’t do the same thing, but we “all” should be doing something. Our alone time helps us tap into heaven’s resources: strength, wisdom, knowledge, and divine understanding to help us navigate complex tasks and situations. Beloved, God has solutions and strategies specifically for you. God promised to order our steps and direct our paths.


Heavenly Father, thank You for this time of fellowship and reflection. Thank You for the words of encouragement I have found in reading your word and spending time in your presence and the comfort I have gained today.  Abba, Father, help me always keep my mind on you because you promised to keep me in perfect peace. Continue to illuminate my path and strengthen me when I feel like I can not go on. I know that you will carry me safely through.  In the Name of Jesus,  I pray, Amen.


Heavenly Father, I come to You today with a broken and grieving heart. I am  overwhelmed with sadness and confusion and need Your help. I long for the comfort of Your presence and the assurance of Your love. Please grant me guidance and wisdom as I seek to make sense of the pain and suffering that I  experiencing. Help me to find a way to move forward and find peace right here, today, in the middle of my grief. Abba, Father, send Your precious Holy Spirit to bring comfort and peace. Help me to trust in the power of Your grace as you remind me of Your unfailing love. I know that I can rest in the assurance of Your faithfulness and protection. Thank you in advance for filling me once again with Your hope and joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


How can I apply what I have read today to help restore my faith and trust in God?

Is there one scripture that speaks specifically to me about God’s love and faithfulness?

How did I use my devotional time to help grow my faith? 

What is one thing I can do or did to draw closer to God today? 

What is one thing I can do to make a difference in someone else’s life? 

What is one thing I can do to encourage myself as I walk by faith and not by 

sight today? 

Prayer Circle





Heavenly Father, thank You for this time of fellowship and reflection. Thank You for the words of encouragement I have found in reading your word and spending time in your presence and the comfort I have gained today.  Abba, Father, help me always keep my mind on you because you promised to keep me in perfect peace. Continue to illuminate my path and strengthen me when I feel like I can not go on. I know that you will carry me safely through.  In the Name of Jesus,  I pray, Amen.




Heavenly Father, Today I come to you with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. Thank you for this new day and the opportunity to be given a brand new day and a fresh start. Help me to keep my focus on you and the good things you have in store for me today. I expect to taste and see all the good things you have planned for me today. Lord, order my steps and help me forgive myself and others for the wrongdoings of yesterday. Today, I pray for your protection and strength to face the challenges that may come my way. Thank you for surrounding me with your divine favor like a shield and the angels you have sent before me to protect me from all hurt and danger.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.



Heavenly Father, I come to You today with a broken and grieving heart. I am  overwhelmed with sadness and confusion and need Your help. I long for the comfort of Your presence and the assurance of Your love. Please grant me guidance and wisdom as I seek to make sense of the pain and suffering that I  experiencing. Help me to find a way to move forward and find peace right here, today, in the middle of my grief. Abba, Father, send Your precious Holy Spirit to bring comfort and peace. Help me to trust in the power of Your grace as you remind me of Your unfailing love. I know that I can rest in the assurance of Your faithfulness and protection. Thank you in advance for again filling me with Your hope and joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



God of all comfort, I come to you in my time of deep sorrow, grieving the death of our beloved one. We know that our loss is shared by you, for you care deeply for us and all of creation. Help me and my loved ones find strength in the midst of our grief. Help us trust your precious promises today and especially in the days ahead. Help us with the decision we must make. Help us to remember the beauty of our loved one’s life and how their presence blessed us. Give us the courage and hope to face the days ahead without our beloved one. Surround us with your loving presence and the knowledge that our beloved one is now in your loving arms. It is in the Name and the precious blood of Jesus in come and prayer. Amen.



Dear Lord, 


I come to You today in need of Your help.  I am facing financial hardship due to the lack of employment, and we need Your provision to help me get through this difficult time. Please provide me with the resources and opportunities that are needed to secure a steady income. Help me to find a job that will help me make ends meet and bring joy to my life. Help me to trust in Your plan for my life according to Jeremiah 29:11 and  3 John 2.  I have faith and believe, but today God, please help my unbelief. I know You will provide for me in ways we cannot imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Guide me to steward my resources properly and make wise decisions with what you have given me. Help me to use all my resources to honor You. We thank You for Your provision, Your peace, and the joy that comes from knowing You are always with me and promised to near leave me nor forsake me. In Jesus’s name, we pray, Amen.



Almighty God, I come before You today with a humble heart,  asking for Your healing grace and resurrection grace. According to Isaiah 53:5, Your word reminds me that I am headed. Help me to take my eyes on what I see with my natural eyes and keep my eyes on you. I praise you and thank You for all that You have already done. You are my ever-present help in times of trouble. Thank you that my health has been restored.Thank you in advance for filling me with Your peace that passes all understanding and for granting me the courage to continue on life’s journey. I surrender my life and health to You today. I declare that I am healed. I know that may still be required to take my medication and follow my doctor’s orders. I know and believe that I am healed. Thank you in advance for You sending your Word that healed me.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen, 



Dear Lord, 

We come to you in our time of sorrow, mourning the loss of our beloved pet. Our hearts are heavy with grief, and we feel the absence of their love and companionship. We thank you for the time we had with them and for the blessing of their presence in our lives. Give us strength and comfort in these difficult times, help us to remember the happy memories, and give us the courage to move forward. We ask for your mercy and grace and that we may find peace during these difficult and lonely days ahead. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen, 



Abba, Father, the Great, I AM …

We come before you with heavy hearts as we mourn the loss of a precious life. We grieve for the life that has been lost and the hopes that have been dashed. In our sorrow, we turn to you for comfort and strength. Grant us peace in this difficult time and the courage to trust in your will. Help us rely on your grace to lift us up and heal us. Wrap us in your love and restore us with your tenderness. Grant us the grace to accept your plan and to move forward with trust and faith. Strengthen us with your spirit and fill us with hope. We thank you for blessing us with this life. God, we are also asking You for your blessing upon us now like never before. It is in the Name of Jesus we pray. The name that is above every name. Amen.



Jehovah Shalom, the God of Peace. 


I come to you, and my heart is heavy; I am confused and brokenhearted as I pause to reflect on the significant loss of this relationship or divorce. I thank you for the time we had together, And the memories we made – but Lord, I need your strength and courage to put my life and heart back together. I know and recognize that the time has come to move on – but I need your strength.  Help us accept this change and find the strength and courage to heal my broken heart. Fill me with hope and peace, I know the sun will shine and my life again. Right now, I see, and taste are my tears. Help me to embrace new beginnings. I pray for kindness and understanding, And for the supernatural amount of grace to forgive and to let go. It is in the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.